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Nicole L. Smith (Cape Town Astrologer) tells us that in 2022, “the cosmos is nudging us to have vision, hold hope and cultivate dreams amid a world in deep flux.” 

Each year in January, humans collectively decide to shift our mentality. Around the world we create new resolutions, new reflections and new goals for the year to come. On New Year’s eve, we celebrate. We gather together and take the time to cherish the people we love in our lives. We hug, dance, and send a “happy new years- I love you!” message. On this occasion there is also- even if it is not obvious at first- the celebration of yourself. Of who you have been in the previous year, and all you will be in the year to come.

To welcome in this new year, Black Betty has released her new Zodiac Collection. We have always been drawn to the world of mysticism. A world that invites ideas on the power of astrology and gemstones. One that asks us to accept our surroundings and look inwards.


Everyone was born on a specific day and at a specific time
. Astrology assigns a deeper meaning to this event by mapping out how the sun, moon and planets were aligned when you entered the world. Astrologers ask us to consider the possibility that the Great Unknown has a part to play in who we are today, and the roads we may wander down. In a world as mysterious as ours, led constantly by curious coincidences and serendipitous moments, it may not be as far a stretch as sceptics once thought.

We had the honour of working with Astrologer Nicole L. Smith (@13_moons_astrology / for this collection. Each piece you receive is packaged with a personal reading by Nicole for the months to come. It’s been a beautiful journey getting to know the wondrous mind of an astrologer.

Astrology charts

Image from

Black Betty was started after owner, Kristin Weixelbaumer, found herself moved and drawn to the world of gemstones. So, technically, it’s these bright and colourful stones to which we can give our absolute credit. Wearing your birthstone or zodiac stone is believed to be a way to tap into your own personal power. On those days where you’re perhaps a little out of sorts, wearing your gemstone may help you gain that bit of extra strength & grounding you need in that moment.


Image from

But really, what is at the heart of all three of these concepts - astrology, birthstones and New Year’s? It is you. It’s the deeper calling to take stock of who you are, of what makes you sad and what makes you happy. Introspectively, it is why we do the things we do. It is the celebration of individuality - our unique traits, our beautiful flaws and our guiding strengths that differentiate and honour our life’s purpose. It is our astrological footprint and beguiling birthstone that guide our desires and life callings.

Zodiac by Black Betty

At the heart of health and wellness is the practice of understanding who we are and what we need. And after two incredibly difficult years, beginning the new year this way feels more important than ever. We hope you fall in love with the jewellery we have created through these powerful lessons, and we cannot wait for all the things we are yet to learn with you in 2022.

Zodiac by Black Betty